Norah McClintock

 Norah McClintock 's Books

A very well recieved series by Norah McClintock are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are From Above, Last Chance, My Life Before Me, Slide, Marked, #5 Dead Silence (Mike & Riel Mysteries), Nowhere to Turn, Back, Down, Change of Heart, At the Edge, Seeing and Believing, Picture This, Close to the Heel, She Said/She Saw, #4 Seeing and Believing (Mike & Riel Mysteries), My Side, Dead Silence, Cleanup, Watch Me, A Sea of Sorrows, Truth and Lies, Snitch, Dead and Gone, Tell, Victim Rights, Dooley Takes the Fall, You Can Run, Out of Tune, Hit and Run, Bang, Homicide Related, which was published in 2022.